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Gay & Lesbian Pride Month

Yesterday was the last day of June - the last day of Gay and Lesbian Pride Month. I've never understood why some folks get so crazy about homosexuality. Gosh, if 2 people love each other and want to be together, that's great. So many people spend an entire lifetime never knowing true love - never knowing what it's like to have found someone with whom to share a life. The fuss, the rabid anti-gay sentiment of the religious right misled just makes no sense.

For any who may not know, June became known as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month due to the Stonewall Rebellion in 1969 in New York. The Stonewall Inn was finally recognized as a National Historic Place 7 years ago.

I'm a white, heterosexual male, and so really have no way to comprehend what it would be like to live with the irrational prejudice with which one is faced if one is non-white, female, gay, physically or mentally challenged, or any of the other scenarios for which some ignorant folks choose to discriminate. But at a previous job I did have a coworker who summonded the courage to come out to the rest of our group and tell us he was gay. It was no big deal at all to any of us, but the obvious struggle this gentleman had endured was heart-wrenching. Why on earth anyone should have to suffer so much is beyond me.

We are all brother and sisters on this earth. Let's start acting like it.

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