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Republican Culture of Corruption - deeper and deeper

I try to read a lot: the newspaper, several periodicals, news web sites, blogs, emails. I follow links from the various sites and try to verify references and check sites like Snopes and FactCheck, or search the web for the US government sites that have the actual law referenced, or locate the original news story or actual film footage when possible. And there is a LOT of stuff that's going on and has gone on in the past several years that has me believing that the Bush administration is comprised of the most dishonest, unethical, misleading, hypocritical slime this nation has seen.

Often I'll skip blogging because I need to read something more uplifting. It becomes a matter of maintaining sanity. There's still plenty of good in the world, and we all need to expend the effort to realize that, and to be very conscious of the positive. But I'll let you do that as a homework assignment. Here are a few of the things that have me pissed off at the Bush Republicans and their Culture of Corruption of late:

Bush is, without a doubt, the worst president ever. I love this country and I truly am afraid of how much longer this can go on.

Reader Comments (7)

I don't think anyone could have predicted that he would be the Worst President Ever.

WMD? Did you guys read this?

Just one of a couple of references to this Iraqi General.

Mad as usual!
Mar 2, 2006 | Unregistered Commentermadmarine
The 'Jewish World Review'? You must be kidding.

This publication is a laughing-stock in the Jewish community.

I don't think anyone could have predicted that the Jewish World Review would run a piece like that.
Mad:Well, I consider it rather telling that this reference is the best you can offer in response to the several points that I listed. I consider you a man of principle, and a man proud of his convictions. But, unfortunately, Bush is proving himself ever more to be the opposite of what his supporters had hoped. The article to which you link is one man's claims. There is no proof, only statements that carry no more weight than the the forged evidence ( Bush referenced in the State of the Union address. As a counter - perhaps we can agree that they at *least* zero each other out - I offer the statements from General Colin Powell on 05 Feb 2003 ( about the poor quality of intelligence regarding Iraq.

It is time to face the unfortunate reality that the USA has not seen an administration this corrupt and lacking in moral compass since the Nixon era.
Mar 2, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterJoe Litton

The Jewish World Review runs a collection of conservative commentators/journalists, Larry Elder is one of those. Why should that be considered more of a joke than say any of the liberal blogs that you cite continuously?

You've got to round out your education. A little of both sides of the arguement really doesn't hurt much.


Yep, I chose to address only one point of your arguement. It is one that I am more interested in currently that's all.

As to Sada, he could have an agenda to lie about WMD, but then again, he was in a position to know what was going on. There is no question that he was number 2 in the Iraqi air force at the time. Certainly, others, including the Israelis believed that the stuff was moved. Why is that so difficult to accept? Sadaam moved his aircraft to Iran before the last kerfuffle over there. It isn't much of a stretch to think he did the same before this latest.

But just to add a bit of spice, here's what the whistleblower was accused of by the LA prosecutor "Now, the whistle-blower, Stephen Heller, has been charged in L.A. Superior Court with felony access to computer data, commercial burglary, and receiving stolen property." Sounds like he got some 'splainen to do!

Diebold, by the way, was accused of deploying an uncertified release of their system in Alameda County. Apparently, this Bush conspiracy to defraud the voters failed because that county went 75% Kerry. Sheesh, you guys need to get over the last election.

As to moral compass, I need only go back to the Clinton adminstration for the quintessence of decrepitude.


Mar 2, 2006 | Unregistered Commentermadmarine
Speaking of slippery Bill, he was impeached for far less, after spending a ton on an independent prosecutor to investigate Whitewater, as opposed to Bill's sex life.

When we finally got around to impeaching him (for a joke of an offense) guess what happened.

Impeachment is primarily a political weapon, and our current houses of Congress will not follow through on such an option. At 34%, our President hardly needs any more political damage however. Mad is right, we Democrats need to get over the last election, and develop a plan to take back seats in 2006, and form a strategy that will carry us through 2008.

Rove and GWB are already playing Good Cop/Bad Cop with Hillary Clinton. This is their game, we're playing on their field, and they're good at what they do. Democrats need to find a way to beat them at it before the '08 primary or we'll get stung just like we did in '04
Mar 3, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterTyler
It appears none of my references came through:
Mar 3, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterTyler

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