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Lime trees and compost

We go through a lot of limes, what with Corona, mojitos, Mai Tais, and various other libations. Strictly for the health benefits of course. The other day we picked up a couple of lime 'trees' at Lowe's, and they will be getting planted approximately where they are shown here. Eventually, they will be full-sized lime trees (well, we'll keep them pruned so they stay easy-picking height). In the background you can also see our compost bin, which is really a pretty cool invention (purchased at our local Worm's Way store). Just open either end, toss in the yard waste or vegetable scraps or coffee grounds or whatever, and give it a turn once a day. The stuff all cooks down to beautiful compost for the garden.

What's really cool is that one of these little guys even has our first lime getting ready for plucking :)

Reader Comments (1)

"easy picking"...

For us, that would mean Bonsai. :)
Apr 2, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterDuffbert

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