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Down a pound..Arms are dead :)

Saturday is my personal weigh-in day. I'm down a pound from last week. Hopefully that's all fat, and maybe there's even a little added muscle. Regardless, this morning I did my normal Saturday workout: Body Beast "Tempo Chest + Tris". It's about an hour focused on the pecs and triceps, and doing a lot of s-l-o-w movements - push a weight up and slowly let it down. Those negative reps are killer!

To amp things up a bit, a little while ago I splurged and bought the Lebert Equalizer. I'd been doing chair dips, and that definitely hits the triceps. But doing real dips with the Lebert bars (which allows me to use full body weight for resistance) hits those poor tris so much harder! At present I find that after only 5 reps I have to put the toe of a foot from one of my bent legs onto the ground to lighten the resistence. Many years ago (meaning decades) I used to do dips with a 45-pound weight hanging from my waist. Oh well ...all things with time :)

The real evidence to me that this was a good workout was that on the final set (plank twists) it was a struggle for the arms to just hold the plank, let alone doing the twists. Ah, yes, I do believe by tomorrow the memory of this workout will be quite apparent (if the soreness hasn't begun to arrive by this evening). Bring it!

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